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Jamie Johnson | Employee Recognition

We recently received this email from Mike, a member of the public, regarding one of our employees –
“Hello, I know this is very random, I was stuck in traffic outside a newsagent in Wednesbury just now, and there was an elderly gentleman really struggling to walk with his cane, could barely move his feet while it was pouring down with rain. One of your employees came out of the newsagent, saw the gentleman, proceeded to check he was okay, and held his hand to help him across the busy road. Then made sure he was okay before heading back to his van. What an absolute legend!
I have no way of Identifying the employee unfortunately, he was driving a small van, and had a shaved head, that’s all the info I have.
I hope he gets some recognition from you guys.
Thanks for your time!
After some investigating of who this could have been, we found out it was one our Parts employees, Jamie Johnson!
Jamie compliments the team he works within extremely well and has a lot of time for our customers and his colleagues alike. He was over the moon with the way we’ve responded to his act of kindness and didn’t expect any of the gratitude from his managers and the company.
As a reward for Jamie, we encouraged him to take his family out for a meal over the weekend in which we covered the bill as a token of our appreciation on behalf of the company.
Jamie’s act of kindness really does emulate the ethos we look to promote from an employment and business perspective!

About the author

Siân Elcock